Week 4 Activity 2

A poem about Halloween:


It’s Hallows Eve.

You know it’s near.

You can feel the darkness and the fear.

Beware of the monsters, that come up to the door.

You know that they will screech and roar!

The shadows are out.

To laugh and play.

With little children until the day.

The ghouls are out but cannot be seen.

This is, Halloween.


Week 4 Activity 3

On the day before Halloween all of my friends get together and make a plan about all of the houses we are going to trick-or-treat at.  We usually go to the richest neighborhoods so we can get to the kingsize candy.  There is no time to waste because we don’t want the little kids to beat us to the good houses. We trick-or-treat for about an hour and then go home to divide up the candy. After we finish trading and sorting our candy we go to one of our friends houses and have a sleepover.  We might watch a movie or just hangout and eat our candy for most of the night until we fall asleep.

Week 3 Activity-1

A favorite time that I have had with my family was walking through downtown New York City and seeing all of  the awesome sights.  Coming from Los Angeles, I didn’t know that buildings could be so huge!  Most of the sky scrapers in LA are mere toys compared to the ones in New York.  I really enjoyed doing this with my family because my Mom and Dad are both from New York so they explained to me all there is to know about the big apple.


Week 3 Activity 2

A family member who has recently passed away is my great-grandma Sally.  My great-grandma was 99 years old, and she was three months away from the big 100 when doctors found cancer in her liver.  My brother and I were really close with our Grandma and we were deeply saddened when she passed away.  She always had a positive attitude even on her last days with us. She will be greatly missed by my family and me.
